2369 字
14 分钟
"//Note": "Valid map and exfil names can be found in the src/useful-data.ts file",
"//Uninstall Note1": "To uninstall, set uninstall to true and load the game all the way to your stash once.",
"//Uninstall Note2": "This will delete all custom items added by Traveler and load your home stash and hideout.",
"//Uninstall Note3": "ONLY your home stash and hideout will be saved for use after removing Traveler from your mods folder.",
"uninstall": false,
"home": "Woods.Zb016",
"multi_stash": true,
"multi_hideout": true,
"locale_language": "ch",
"trader_access_restriction": true,
"world_event_exfil_requirements": true,
"disable_out_of_raid_quest_stash": false,
"all_cars_free": false,
"car_currency": "roubles",
"customs": 100000,
"interchange": 300000,
"lighthouse": 100000,
"streets": 100000,
"woods": 100000
"//markFIR note": "kiki_markFIR = true means all items on your pmc will be FIR on raid end regardless of death, etc.",
"kiki_markFIR": true,
"flea_purchases_are_FIR": true,
"trader_purchases_are_FIR": true,
"number_of_profile_backups": 50,
"backup_on_game_start": true,
"backup_on_raid_start": true,
"backup_on_raid_end": true,
"death_updates_offraid_position": true,
"checkpoint_trader_config": {
"trader": "therapist",
"loyalty_level": 1,
"currency": "roubles",
"price": 69420,
"stock_amount": 1,
"unlimited_stock": false
"regen": {
"//Note": "Rates only apply if available_everywhere = false",
"available_everywhere": true,
"head_rate": 0.6125,
"chest_rate": 1.4,
"stomach_rate": 1.225,
"left_arm_rate": 1.05,
"right_arm_rate": 1.05,
"left_leg_rate": 1.1375,
"right_leg_rate": 1.1375,
"access_via": [
"//Note": "Rates only apply if available_everywhere = false",
"available_everywhere": false,
"rate": 1,
"access_via": [
"//Note": "Rates only apply if available_everywhere = false",
"available_everywhere": false,
"rate": 1,
"access_via": [
"trader_config": {
"Therapist": {
"trader_id": "54cb57776803fa99248b456e",
"trader_description_text": "治疗师,俗称大妈。",
"trader_location_text": "生存难度中作为NPC出现在各个“城镇”中。",
"accessible_everywhere": false,
"is_medic": true,
"access_via": [
"Prapor": {
"trader_id": "54cb50c76803fa8b248b4571",
"trader_description_text": "是个好人。",
"trader_location_text": "生存难度中作为NPC出现在各个“城镇”中。",
"accessible_everywhere": false,
"is_medic": false,
"access_via": [
"Ragman": {
"trader_id": "5ac3b934156ae10c4430e83c",
"trader_description_text": "卖衣服的",
"trader_location_text": "生存难度中作为NPC出现在各个“城镇”中。",
"accessible_everywhere": false,
"is_medic": false,
"access_via": [
"Flea": {
"trader_id": "ragfair",
"unlock_via_offraid_pos": true,
"//Note": "unlock_level only applies if unlock_via_offraid_pos = true",
"unlock_level": 10,
"access_via": [
"Skier": {
"trader_id": "58330581ace78e27b8b10cee",
"trader_description_text": "坏人",
"trader_location_text": "生存难度中和其他商人都在海关的013。",
"accessible_everywhere": false,
"is_medic": false,
"access_via": ["Customs.ZB1013","Interchange.Car-alt>-Streets.ExpoCP"]
"Jaeger": {
"trader_id": "5c0647fdd443bc2504c2d371",
"trader_description_text": "PMC的总教官",
"trader_location_text": "生存难度中在森林的ZB014。",
"accessible_everywhere": false,
"is_medic": false,
"access_via": ["Woods.Zb014","Interchange.Car-alt>-Streets.ExpoCP"]
"Mechanic": {
"trader_id": "5a7c2eca46aef81a7ca2145d",
"trader_description_text": "好人(也许)",
"trader_location_text": "生存难度中在工厂的摄像头地堡。",
"accessible_everywhere": false,
"is_medic": false,
"access_via": ["Factory.Cellars","Interchange.Car-alt>-Streets.ExpoCP"]
"Peacekeeper": {
"trader_id": "5935c25fb3acc3127c3d8cd9",
"trader_description_text": "美国佬,只会贪污受贿。",
"trader_location_text": "生存难度中在储备站的地下地堡密闭门。",
"accessible_everywhere": false,
"is_medic": false,
"access_via": ["Reserve.DepotHermeticDoor","Interchange.Car-alt>-Streets.ExpoCP"]
"Fence": {
"trader_id": "579dc571d53a0658a154fbec",
"trader_description_text": "别在只有它的中转站存放物品,会被他黑掉。",
"trader_location_text": "无处不在",
"accessible_everywhere": true,
"is_medic": false,
"access_via": [""]
"Goblin King": {
"trader_id": "GoblinKing",
"trader_description_text": "一个卖毒品的美国佬",
"trader_location_text": "生存难度中和其他商人都在海关的013",
"accessible_everywhere": false,
"is_medic": false,
"access_via": [
"Broker": {
"trader_id": "broker-trader-id",
"trader_description_text": "他会帮你转卖所有物品给最适合的人,包括跳蚤。让你获得最公道的价钱。",
"trader_location_text": "生存难度中和其他商人都在海关的013",
"accessible_everywhere": false,
"is_medic": false,
"access_via": [
"Moron DRIP Trader": {
"trader_id": "moron",
"trader_description_text": "卖各色各样的衣服和背包神之更多,货色比服装商还齐全,且有自己的任务。",
"trader_location_text": "生存难度中和其他商人都在海关的013",
"accessible_everywhere": false,
"is_medic": false,
"access_via": [
"ArtemTrader": {
"trader_id": "ArtemTrader",
"trader_description_text": "有一系列很有沉浸感的任务。",
"trader_location_text": "生存难度中和其他商人都在海关的013",
"accessible_everywhere": false,
"is_medic": false,
"access_via": [
"trader_id": "DOC_TRADER",
"trader_description_text": "大量新军火,包括筒子",
"trader_location_text": "生存难度中和其他商人都在海关的013",
"accessible_everywhere": false,
"is_medic": false,
"access_via": [
"gunsmith": {
"trader_id": "gunsmith",
"trader_description_text": "出售枪匠任务相关武器。",
"trader_location_text": "生存难度中和其他商人都在海关的013",
"accessible_everywhere": false,
"is_medic": false,
"access_via": ["Factory.Cellars",
"GriffinSupplier": {
"trader_id": "GriffinSupplier",
"trader_description_text": "少女前线诺文斯克行动MOD商人",
"trader_location_text": "在各城镇中有代表。",
"accessible_everywhere": false,
"is_medic": false,
"access_via": [
"trader_id": "PAINTERSHOP",
"trader_description_text": "Civic配件系列商人",
"trader_location_text": "与机械师在工厂。",
"accessible_everywhere": false,
"is_medic": false,
"access_via": [
"//Stash Note": "if upgradable = true the size will coorelate to the stash hideout station at that stashes location",
"stashes": {
"upgradable": true,
"size_h": 0,
"size_v": 0,
"access_via": [
"upgradable": false,
"size_h": 0,
"size_v": 0,
"access_via": []
"upgradable": false,
"size_h": 0,
"size_v": 0,
"access_via": []
"upgradable": false,
"size_h": 0,
"size_v": 0,
"access_via": []
"upgradable": false,
"size_h": 0,
"size_v": 0,
"access_via": []
"upgradable": false,
"size_h": 0,
"size_v": 0,
"access_via": []
"upgradable": false,
"size_h": 0,
"size_v": 0,
"access_via": []
"upgradable": false,
"size_h": 10,
"size_v": 50,
"access_via": []
"upgradable": false,
"size_h": 10,
"size_v": 50,
"access_via": []
"upgradable": false,
"size_h": 10,
"size_v": 50,
"access_via": []
"//Hideout Note": "不能禁用发电机、集水器、空气过滤器和健身房,以防止游戏崩溃。",
"//Hideout Note2": "包含您想包含的每个台站,或包含 all_stations = true 后减去您想减去的任何台站 = false",
"stations": {
"generator": true,
"water collector": true,
"air filter": true,
"gym": true,
"vents": true,
"security": true,
"lavatory": true,
"stash": true,
"heating": true,
"med station": true,
"nutrition": true,
"rest space": true,
"workbench": true,
"intel center": true,
"shooting range": true,
"library": true,
"scav case": true,
"lights": true,
"solar": true,
"booze": true,
"bitcoin farm": true,
"christmas tree": true,
"defective wall": true,
"gunstand primary": true,
"gunstand secondary": true
"stations": {
"generator": true,
"water collector": false,
"air filter": false,
"gym": false,
"vents": true,
"security": true,
"lavatory": true,
"stash": false,
"heating": true,
"med station": true,
"nutrition": true,
"rest space": true,
"workbench": true,
"intel center": false,
"shooting range": false,
"library": false,
"scav case": false,
"lights": true,
"solar": false,
"booze": false,
"bitcoin farm": false,
"christmas tree": false,
"defective wall": false,
"gunstand primary": false,
"gunstand secondary": false
"stations": {
"all_stations": false
"stations": {
"all_stations": false
"stations": {
"all_stations": false
"stations": {
"all_stations": false
"stations": {
"all_stations": false
"stations": {
"all_stations": false
"stations": {
"all_stations": false
"stations": {
"all_stations": false
"factory4_day": ["Gate 3"],
"factory4_night": ["Gate 3"],
"bigmap": ["Factory Far Corner"]
"factory4_day": "Gate 3",
"factory4_night": "Gate 3",
"bigmap": "Factory Far Corner"
"rezervbase": ["Exit3"]
"rezervbase": "Depot Hermetic"
"bigmap": ["ZB-1011"]
"bigmap": "ZB-1011"
"factory4_day": ["Cellars"],
"factory4_night": ["Cellars"],
"factory4_day": ["Camera Bunker Door"],
"factory4_night": ["Camera Bunker Door"]
"factory4_day": "Camera Bunker Door",
"factory4_night": "Camera Bunker Door"
"interchange": ["Interchange Cooperation"]
"interchange": "Scav Camp"
"woods": ["East Gate"]
"woods": "Scav Bunker"
"woods": ["The Boat"]
"woods": "Scav Bunker"
"woods": ["Hole Exfill"]
"woods": "Hole Exfill"
"factory4_day": ["Gate m"],
"factory4_night": ["Gate m"],
"woods": ["Factory Gate"]
"factory4_day": "Med tent gates",
"factory4_night": "Med tent gates",
"woods": "Factory Gate"
"factory4_day": ["Gate 0"],
"factory4_night": ["Gate 0"],
"bigmap": ["Old Azs Gate"]
"factory4_day": "Gate 0",
"factory4_night": "Gate 0",
"bigmap": "Old Gas Scav"
"interchange": ["NW Exfil"],
"bigmap": ["Railroad To Tarkov"]
"interchange": "Railway",
"bigmap": "RR To Tarkov"
"bigmap": ["Railroad To Military Base"]
"rezervbase": "Train Station"
"bigmap": ["Railroad To Port"],
"shoreline": ["Road_at_railbridge"]
"bigmap": "RR To Port",
"shoreline": "Railway Bridge"
"bigmap": ["Crossroads"],
"shoreline": ["Road to Customs"],
"tarkovstreets": ["E4"],
"interchange": ["SE Exfil"]
"bigmap": "Crossroads",
"tarkovstreets": "Crash Site",
"interchange": "Emercom",
"shoreline": "Road to Customs"
"bigmap": ["Crossroads"],
"shoreline": ["Scav Road to Customs"],
"tarkovstreets": ["E4"],
"interchange": ["SE Exfil"]
"bigmap": "Crossroads",
"tarkovstreets": "Crash Site",
"interchange": "Emercom",
"shoreline": "Road to Customs"
"woods": ["UN Roadblock"],
"bigmap": ["Military Checkpoint"]
"woods": "UN Roadblock",
"bigmap": "Scav CP"
"bigmap": ["EXFIL_ZB013"]
"bigmap": "ZB-1013"
"woods": ["Outskirts"],
"lighthouse": ["Nothern_Checkpoint"]
"woods": "Outskirts",
"lighthouse": "Northern CP"
"woods": ["South V-Ex"]
"woods":"Woods Vehicle Extract",
"interchange":"Interchange Vehicle Extract",
"rezervbase":"Train Station",
"laboratory":"Parking Gate",
"shoreline":"Road to Customs",
"tarkovstreets": "Streets Vehicle Extract"
"bigmap": ["Dorms V-Ex"]
"bigmap":"Dorms Car",
"laboratory":"Parking Gate",
"lighthouse": "Lighthouse Vehicle Extract",
"tarkovstreets": "Streets Vehicle Extract"
"woods": ["ZB-016"]
"woods": "ZB-1016"
"woods": ["ZB-014"]
"woods": "ZB-1014"
"lighthouse": ["Scav_Industrial_zone"]
"lighthouse": "Scav_Industrial_zone"
"shoreline": ["Adm Basement"]
"shoreline": "Admin Basement"
"woods": ["un-sec"]
"woods": "Northern UN Roadblock",
"bigmap": "Scav CP"
"rezervbase": ["EXFIL_vent"],
"tarkovstreets": ["scav_e4"]
"rezervbase": "Reserve Manhole",
"tarkovstreets": "Streets Manhole"
"rezervbase": ["Exit4"],
"tarkovstreets": ["E4"]
"rezervbase": "CP Fence",
"tarkovstreets": "Crash Site"
"rezervbase": ["Alpinist"]
"shoreline": "Shoreline Northern Cliffs"
"rezervbase": ["EXFIL_Bunker_D2"]
"woods": "Sniper Rock Bunker"
"rezervbase": ["EXFIL_Bunker"]
"shoreline": "CCP Temporary"
"rezervbase": ["Exit2"]
"factory4_day": "Cellars",
"factory4_night": "Cellars"
"factory4_night.Office Window>-Reserve.HeatingPipe-1w":{
"factory4_night": ["Office Window"],
"factory4_day": ["Office Window"]
"rezervbase": "Bunker Hermetic"
"interchange": ["PP Exfil"]
"interchange": "Interchange Vehicle Extract",
"factory4_day":"Gate 0",
"factory4_night":"Gate 0",
"woods":"Woods Vehicle Extract",
"lighthouse":"Lighthouse Vehicle Extract",
"rezervbase":"Train Station",
"shoreline":"Railway Bridge",
"laboratory":"Parking Gate"
"interchange": ["SE Exfil"],
"tarkovstreets": ["E7"]
"interchange": "Emercom",
"tarkovstreets": "Expo Checkpoint"
"interchange": ["Saferoom Exfil"]
"interchange": "Safe Room"
"shoreline": ["South Fence Passage"]
"rezervbase": "Hole In Wall"
"lighthouse": ["Scav_Hideout_at_the_grotto"],
"shoreline": ["Pier Boat"]
"lighthouse": "Grotto",
"shoreline": "Pier Boat"
"lighthouse": ["tunnel_shared"],
"shoreline": ["Tunnel"]
"lighthouse": "Lighthouse Tunnel",
"shoreline": "Shoreline Tunnel"
"lighthouse": ["Shorl_free"],
"shoreline": ["Lighthouse_pass"]
"lighthouse": "Path to Shoreline",
"shoreline": "Path to Lighthouse"
"Lighthouse": ["V-ex_light"]
"lighthouse":"Lighthouse Vehicle Extract",
"factory4_day":"Gate 0",
"factory4_night":"Gate 0",
"bigmap":"Dorms Car",
"tarkovstreets":"Streets Vehicle Extract",
"rezervbase": "Train Station",
"interchange":"Interchange Vehicle Extract"
"tarkovstreets": ["E7_car"]
"tarkovstreets":"Streets Vehicle Extract",
"lighthouse":"Southern Road",
"shoreline":"Road to Customs",
"woods":"Woods Vehicle Extract",
"bigmap":"Dorms Car",
"factory4_day":"Gate 0",
"factory4_night":"Gate 0"
"lighthouse": ["Coastal_South_Road"]
"lighthouse": "Southern Road",
"shoreline": "Shoreline Tunnel"
"lighthouse": ["Alpinist_light"]
"lighthouse": "Mountain Pass",
"shoreline": "Path to Lighthouse"
"tarkovstreets": ["E2"],
"laboratory": ["lab_Under_Storage_Collector"]
"tarkovstreets": "Sewer River",
"laboratory": "Lab Sewage Conduit"
"tarkovstreets": ["scav_e1"],
"laboratory": ["lab_Elevator_Main"]
"tarkovstreets": "Basement Descent",
"laboratory": "Main Elevator"
"tarkovstreets": ["scav_e2"],
"laboratory": ["lab_Parking_Gate"]
"tarkovstreets": "Catacombs",
"laboratory": "Parking Gate"
"tarkovstreets": ["scav_e3"],
"laboratory": ["lab_Vent"]
"tarkovstreets": "Streets Vents",
"laboratory": "Lab Vents"
"tarkovstreets": ["E3"]
"tarkovstreets": "Streets Ruined House"
"tarkovstreets": ["E8_yard"]
"tarkovstreets": "Courtyard"
"laboratory": ["lab_Hangar_Gate"]
"laboratory": "Hangar Gate",
"tarkovstreets": "Catacombs"
"laboratory": ["lab_Elevator_Med"]
"laboratory": "Med Block Elevator",
"tarkovstreets": "Basement Descent"
"laboratory": ["lab_Elevator_Cargo"]
"laboratory": "Cargo Elevator",
"tarkovstreets": "Basement Descent"